Journal Papers
Coleman, HM, Trinh, T, Le-Minh, N, Klein, M, Roser, DJ, Tucker, RW, Stuetz, RM, Peters, G and Khan, SJ. 2013, ‘Chemicals of Concern in Australian Beef Feedlot Wastes’, Environmental Pollution, 174: 265-272.
Khan, SJ, Roser, DJ, Ashbolt, NJ, Davies, CM, Peters, G, Stuetz R & Tucker, R. 2008. Chemical Contaminants in Feedlot Wastes: Concentrations, Effects and Attenuation. Environment International, 34 (6): 839-859.
Klein, M, Brown, L, Tucker, RW, Ashbolt, NJ, Stuetz, RJ and Roser DJ 2010, Diversity and Abundance of Zoonotic Pathogens and Faecal Indicators in Cattle Feedlot Manures Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 76 (20): 6947-6950.
Peters, GM, Wiedemann, SG, Rowley, HV and Tucker RW 2010, Accounting for Water Use in Australian Red Meat Production. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 15(3):311-320, DOI:10.1007/s11367-010-0161-x.
Peters, GM, Wiedemann, SG, Rowley, HV and Tucker RW 2010, Accounting for Water Use in Australian Red Meat Production. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 15(3):311-320.
Peters, GM, Rowley, HV, Wiedemann, SG, Tucker, RW, Short, M & Schulz, M. 2010, Red meat production in Australia – A life cycle assessment and comparison with other nations, Environmental Science and Technology, 44: 1327-1332.
Tucker, RW & WATTS, PJ. 1993. Waste minimisation at feedlots by ration modification. Trans. ASAE 36 (5):1461-1466.
Watts, PJ, Jones, M, Lott, SC, Tucker, RW & Smith RJ 1993, ‘Feedlot odor emissions following heavy rainfall’, Trans. ASAE, 37 (2): 629-636.
Conference and Workshop Papers
Casey, KD, Lunney, CL , Watts, PJ, Tucker, RW 1997, ‘Odour emissions from feedlot retention ponds following heavy rainfall’, National Workshop of Odour Measurement Standardisation, Sydney, New South Wales, pp. 20-22.
Coleman, HM, Trinh, T, Le-Minh, N, Klein, M, Roser, DJ, Tucker, RW, Stuetz, RM, Peters, G and Khan, SJ. 2012, ‘Occurrence of ecoparasiticides in Australian Beef Cattle Feedlot Wastes’, 3rd International Conference on Waste Management, Greece, September, 2012, submitted.
Gardner, EA, Watts, PJ, Tucker, RW & Moody, P 1994, 'Sizing ecologically sustainable land disposal areas for feedlots', Section 7.2 in Watts, PJ and Tucker, RW (eds.) Designing Better Feedlots, State of Qld Dept Primary Industries Publications Conference and Workshop Series No. QC94002, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
Hart, D & Tucker, RW 1998, ‘Greening your piggery: Managing for sustainable outcomes’, National Pig Environmental Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland.
Jones, M, Watts, PJ, Lott, SC, Tucker RW, Smith, RJ 1992, ‘A mobile dynamic olfactometer for feedlot odor studies’, The Winter Meeting of ASAE, ASAE, Nashville, Tennessee.
Rinehart, D & Tucker RW 1994, ‘Shade structures’, Section 3.4 in Watts, PJ and Tucker, RW (eds.) Designing Better Feedlots, State of Qld Dept Primary Industries Publications Conference and Workshop Series No. QC94002, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
Spence, MG, Tucker, RW & Tranter, MW 1998, ‘Environmental codes of practice: noose or lifeline?’, The Pacific Air and Environment Workshop, Environmental Codes of Practice, Brisbane, Queensland.
Tucker, RW 2000, ‘Environmental training package for piggery managers: delivering environmental awareness’, 2nd National Pig Environmental Conference, University of Queensland, Gatton, Queensland.
Tucker, RW 1992, ‘Odour identification test results’, In PJ Watts (ed.), Odour Update '92 - Proceedings of a Workshop on Agricultural Odours, MRC report no. 64/24, Department of Primary Industries Feedlot Services Group, Toowoomba, Queensland.
Tucker, RW 1992, ‘Odour measurements from simulated feedlot pads’, In PJ Watts (ed.), Odour Update '92 - Proceedings of a Workshop on Agricultural Odours, MRC Report No. 64/24, Department of Primary Industries Feedlot Services Group, Toowoomba, Queensland.
Tucker RW & Watts, PJ 1994, ‘Disposal of carcasses’, Section 6.3 in Watts, PJ and Tucker, RW (eds.) Designing Better Feedlots, State of Qld Dept Primary Industries Publications Conference and Workshop Series No. QC94002, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
Tucker RW & Watts, PJ 1994, ‘Feeding systems’, Section 4.5 in Watts, PJ and Tucker, RW (eds.) Designing Better Feedlots, State of Qld Dept Primary Industries Publications Conference and Workshop Series No. QC94002, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
Watts, PJ & Tucker, RW 1994, ‘Feedlot site layout’ Section 2.2 in Watts, PJ and Tucker, RW (eds.) Designing Better Feedlots, State of Qld Dept Primary Industries Publications Conference and Workshop Series No. QC94002, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
Tucker RW & Watts, PJ 1994, ‘Fences, Gates and Lanes’, Section 3.3 in Watts, PJ and Tucker, RW (eds.) Designing Better Feedlots, State of Qld Dept Primary Industries Publications Conference and Workshop Series No. QC94002, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
Watts, PJ, Gardner, EA, Tucker, RW & Casey, KD 1994, ‘Mass-balance approach to design of nutrient management systems at cattle feedlots’, Proceedings of the Great Plains Animal Waste Conference on Confined Animal Production and Water Quality, Denver, Colorado, GPAC Publication 151, 27-33.
Watts, PJ, Gardner, EA, Tucker, RW, Moody, PW & Gilbert, M 1992, ‘Phosphorus balance for cattle feedlots’, Conference on Engineering in Agriculture, The Institution of Engineers, Albury, New South Wales, Publication No. 92/11, pp. 153-158.
Watts, PJ, Jones, M, Lott, SC, Tucker, RW & Smith, RJ 1992, ‘Odor measurements at a Queensland feedlot’, Nashville, Tennessee, ASAE paper no. 92-4516.
Watts, PJ & Tucker, RW 1993, ‘Feedlot site layout’, Designing Better Feedlots Workshop, Maroochydore, Queensland.
Watts, PJ & Tucker, RW 1993, ‘The creation and reduction of odour at feedlots’, Proceedings of the Agricultural Odours Workshop, Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand and Australian Water and Wastewater Association, Dubbo, New South Wales.
Watts, PJ & Tucker, RW 1993, ‘The effect of ration on waste management and odour control in feedlots’, Proceedings of Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition in Australia, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, pp. 117-129.
Watts, PJ, Tucker, RW & Casey, KD 1994, 'Water system design', Section 4.6 in Watts, PJ and Tucker, RW (eds.) Designing Better Feedlots, State of Qld Dept Primary Industries Publications Conference and Workshop Series No. QC94002, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
Watts, PJ, Tucker, RW, Gardner, EA, Casey, KD & Lott, SC 1994, 'Characteristics of feedlot waste', Section 7.1 in Watts, PJ and Tucker, RW (eds.) Designing Better Feedlots, State of Qld Dept Primary Industries Publications Conference and Workshop Series No. QC94002, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
O’Keefe, M, Chamberlain, P, Chaplin, S, Davison, T, Green, J & Tucker, RW 2010,Guidelines for Victorian dairy feedpads and freestalls – first edition, Department of Primary Industries, Victoria.
Tucker, RW, Lott, SC, Watts, PJ & Jukes, PD 1991, Lot feeding in Australia - a survey of the Australian lot feeding industry, Department of Primary Industries Information Series QI91019, Brisbane.
Tucker, RW, McGahan, EJ, Galloway, JL, & O’Keefe, MF 2010, National environmental guidelines for piggeries: second edition, project no. 2231, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra.
Tucker, RW, McGahan, EJ, Watts, PJ, Nicholas, PJ & Howard, MR 2004, National environmental guidelines for piggeries: first edition, project no. 1832, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra
Tucker, RW and O’Keefe, MF 2013, National Environmental Guidelines for Rotational Outdoor Piggeries, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra
Watts, PJ & Tucker, RW (eds) 1994, Designing better feedlots, Conference and Workshop Series QC94002, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane, Queensland.
Davis, RJ, Watts, PJ & Tucker, RW 2006. ‘Environmental sustainability assessment of the Australian feedlot industry: part E – review of lot fed cattle water consumption – MRC project no. DAQ.079’, Meat & Livestock Australia Project FLOT.328, Meat & Livestock Australia, North Sydney.
Green, SL, Tucker, RW, McGahan, EJ and Wiedemann, SG 2007, Reviewing composting practices in the pig industry, Project No 2140, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra.
Lott SC, Watts, PJ, Tucker, RW, Jones, M & Round, PJ 1990, Procedural arrangements and design requirements for feedlot licensing, AMLRDC report no. DAQ64/5, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
Lott SC, Watts, PJ, Tucker, RW, Jones, M & Round, PJ 1990, Feedlots in North America. Procedural arrangements and design requirements for feedlot licensing in United States and Canada, AMLRDC report no. DAQ64/4, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
McGahan, EJ, Barker, SJ & Tucker, RW 2008, Environmental Guidelines for the Australian Egg Industry, A report for the Australian Egg Corporation Limited as part of the DAFF EMS Pathways to Sustainable Agriculture Program, AECL Publication No. 08/01, AECL Project No. EM01, Australian Egg Corporation, North Sydney.
McGahan, EJ, Barker, SJ, Tucker, RW, Green, S & Wiedemann, S 2007, Assessment of Nutrient Balance Calculators for Piggeries –Final Report, Australian Pork Ltd Project No 2137, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra.
McGahan, EJ & Tucker, RW 2002, 'Composting carcasses in open bays and piles', Meat Chicken Technical Environmental Note 5, Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation, Canberra.
McGahan, EJ & Tucker, RW 2002, 'Composting and pasteurising spent litter', Meat Chicken Technical Environmental Note 3, Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation, Canberra.
McGahan, EJ & Tucker, RW 2002, 'Land application of spent litter', Meat Chicken Technical Environmental Note 4, Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation, Canberra.
McGahan, EJ & Tucker, RW 2002, 'Litter clean-out', Meat Chicken Technical Environmental Note 1, Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation, Canberra.
McGahan, EJ & Tucker, RW 2002, 'Manure production and spent litter composition', Meat Chicken Technical Environmental Note 2, Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation, Canberra.
McGahan, EJ & Tucker, RW 2002, 'National environmental management system for the meat chicken industry: part D – environmental risk assessment workbook for the meat chicken industry', Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation, Canberra.
McGahan, EJ & Tucker, RW 2003, ‘EMS for meat chicken farms: example environmental management plan', Meat Chicken Technical Environmental Note 4, Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation, Canberra.
McGahan, EJ & Tucker, RW 2003, ‘EMS for meat chicken farms: facilitators training manual', Meat Chicken Technical Environmental Note 4, Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation, Canberra.
McGahan, EJ & Tucker, RW 2003, ‘EMS for meat chicken farms: participants training manual', Meat Chicken Technical Environmental Note 4, Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation, Canberra.
McGahan, EJ & Tucker, RW (principal authors) 2003, Resource manual of development of indicators of sustainability for effluent reuse in the intensive livestock industries: piggeries and cattle feedlots, project no. 1816, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra.
McGahan, EJ & Tucker, RW (principal authors) 2003, Summary document of development of indicators of sustainability for effluent reuse in the intensive livestock industries: piggeries and cattle feedlots, project no. 1816, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra.
McGahan, EJ, Tucker, RW, Barker, SJ, Green, SL, Wiedemann, SG, Chinivasagam, N, Blackall, P, Hudson, N, Duperouzel, D and Clayton,C 2007, Composting of piggery manure and mortalities, Final Report Project No 2140, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra.
McGahan, EJ, Tucker, RW, Chinivasagam, N, Blackall, P, Barker, SJ, Green, S, Wiedemann, S, Hudson, N, Duperouzel, D & Clayton, C 2007. Composting of Piggery Manure and Mortalities, Final Report, APL Project No 2140, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra.
McGahan, EJ, Tucker, RW & Hewitt, SC 2005, Australian piggeries environmental management system implementation manual, Level 1, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra.
McGahan, EJ, Tucker, RW & Hewitt, SC 2005, Australian piggeries environmental management system implementation manual, Level 2, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra.
McGahan, EJ, Tucker, RW & Robinson, S 2002, 'National environmental management system for the meat chicken industry: part B – environmental management plan example and explanatory notes for the meat chicken industry', Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation, Canberra.
McGahan, EJ, Tucker, RW & Robinson, S 2002, 'National environmental management system for the meat chicken industry: part C – generic environmental management plan for the meat chicken industry', Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation, Canberra.
McGahan, EJ, Tucker, RW & Hewitt, SC 2005, Australian piggeries environmental management system standard, Level 1, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra.
Nicholas, PJ, McGahan, EJ & Tucker, RW 2006, Producer guidelines for use of spent bedding, Australian Pork Ltd project no. 1969, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra.
Nicholas, PJ, Redding, M, Devereux, J, Kelsey, G, McGahan, EJ, Tucker, RW & Heinrich, NA 2006. Developing guidelines for use of spent deep litter bedding – final report. Australian Pork Ltd Project No. 1969, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra.
O’Keefe, ML, McDonald SA, Yan, M, Davis RJ, McGahan EJ and Tucker RW. 2013. Sludge handling and management, Project No. 2012/1029, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra.
Peters, G, Rowley, H, Tucker, R, Wiedemann, S & Feitz, A. 2008. Life Cycle Analysis of the Australian Red Meat Industry – Final Report. Project No. COMP.094, Meat and Livestock Australia, North Sydney.
Peters, G, Rowley, H, Tucker, RW, Wiedemann, SG, Short, M, Schulz, M et al. 2009, Southern Red Meat Production - Life Cycle Assessment, Project COMP.094 Final Report, Meat and Livestock Australia Ltd, North Sydney.
Peters, G, Wiedemann, SG, Rowley, HV & Tucker, RW 2009, Red Meat Production in Southern Australia - LCA Water Use Analysis, Project COMP.094 Milestone Technical Report, Meat and Livestock Australia Ltd, North Sydney.
Roser, DJ, Tucker, RW, Khan, SJ, Klein, M, Coleman, HM, Brown, L, Davies, C, Trinh, T, Wang, S, Peters, G, Stuetz, R, Ashbolt, N, Baker, KM, Burger, M and Davis RJ 2012, Microbiological and Chemical Human Health Risks Arising from Cattle Feedlot Wastes: Their Characterization and Management, Meat & Livestock Australia project FLOT.333, Meat & Livestock Australia Ltd, North Sydney. Meat & Livestock Australia Ltd, North Sydney.
Sanders, PR, Lott, SC, Watts, P, Tucker, RW, Casey, KD & Lyndon, K 1994, Lot fed cattle water consumption, Report 12.A. Meat Research Corporation Project No. DAQ.079, Queensland Department of Primary Industries & Feedlot Services Australia, Toowoomba.
Spence, M & Tucker, RW 2001. ‘Environmental management program manual’, Pig Research and Development Corporation, Canberra.
Spence, M & Tucker, RW 2001. ‘Environmental management plan package for small and medium piggeries’, Pig Research and Development Corporation, Canberra.
Spence, M & Tucker, RW 2001. ‘Environmental management systems’, Pig Research and Development Corporation, Canberra.
Tucker, RW & Baker, KM 2006, Overview of Feedlot Waste Management and Pathways for Contaminant Transfer, Centre for Water and Waste Technology, Sydney.
Tucker, RW, Gernjak W, Davis RJ, Scobie MJ, Watts PJ, Trigger RZ, Poad GD, O’Keefe MF and Bonner SL, 2011, Treatment Technologies for Feedlot Effluent Reuse”, MLA Project No. D.FLT.0348, Meat & Livestock Australia Ltd, North Sydney.
Tucker, RW & Klepper, K 2005, Review of on-farm food safety best practice. MLA project no. PRMS.075, Meat and Livestock Australia, North Sydney.
Tucker, RW & McGahan, EJ 2005, EnviroCheck: A template for assessing the performance of existing piggeries against the national environmental guidelines for piggeries. Australian Pork Ltd, project no. 1972.08, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra.
Tucker, RW, Roser, DJ, Klein, M and Khan, SJ 2011, Guidelines for the Safe Management of Feedlot Wastes, Meat & Livestock Australia project FLOT.333, Meat & Livestock Australia Ltd, North Sydney. Meat & Livestock Australia Ltd, North Sydney.
Watts, PJ, Davis, RJ & Tucker, RW, 2006, Review of lot fed water consumption, MLA project no. DAQ.079, Final Report FLOT.328 Part E, Meat & Livestock Australia Ltd, North Sydney.
Watts, PJ, Jones, M, Tucker, RW, Lott, SC & Fennell, SJ 1992, ‘The FARMFEST experiment ‑ an evaluation of the ability of the population to identify agricultural odours’, Meat Research Corporation report no. DAQ64/10, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
Watts, PJ, Smith, JN, Smith, RJ, Jones, M, Lott, SC & Tucker RW 1992, ‘The offensiveness of odours from cattle feedlots’, MRC report no. DAQ64/20, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
Watts, PJ, Tucker, RW, Pittaway, PA, McGahan, EJ, Kruger, IR & Lott, SC 2002, ‘Low cost alternatives for reducing odour generation – Part B – Case studies of solids separation systems’, Milestone No 5 of project no. 1629, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra.
Watts, PJ, Tucker, RW, Pittaway, PA & McGahan, EJ 2002, ‘Low cost alternatives for reducing odour generation – Part A – Literature review and recommendations’, Milestone No 5 of Project No. 1629, Part A Report, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra.
Watts, PJ, Tucker, RW, Pittaway, PA & McGahan, EJ, 2001. ‘Low cost alternatives for reducing odour generation – Final Report,’ Australian Pork Ltd Project No. 1629, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra.
Wiedemann, SG, Tucker, RW, Rowley, HV & Peters, GM 2006, ‘Natural resource management issues’. Research paper for COMP.094 workshop, Meat and Livestock Australia, North Sydney.
Extension Material
National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture-Pig Research and Development Corporation, 1998, Environmental Management Training for Piggery Managers, Tucker, RW, content development, Pig Research and Development Corporation, Canberra.
National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture – Australian Pork Limited 2001, Environmental Principles for Piggeries, Tucker, RW, content development. Tucker, RW & Kruger, IR: Course review, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra.
O’Keefe, MF and Tucker, RW, 2010, Lamb Lot Feeding: Opportunities in the Wimmera Mallee Pipeline Region, Department of Primary Industries, Melbourne,
Tucker, RW 1992, ‘Beef cattle feedlot - animal welfare’, In Feedlotting notes - a collection of farmnotes. Information Series Q191032, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane, pp. 67-69. (Also published as Farmnote BE9111003 F47/May91 Agdex 420/17).
Tucker, RW 1992, ‘Feedlot waste management series no. 9 - fly control’, In Feedlotting notes - a collection of farmnotes. Information Series Q191032, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane, pp. 59-62. (Also published as Farmnote BE9116003 F51/May91 Agdex 420/17).
Tucker, RW 1993, ‘Leadership and small farmer groups’, In Agricultural Extension: Book of Readings, University of Southern Qld, Toowoomba, pp. 1-11.
Tucker, RW 2012, ‘Developing a nutrient management plan for a rotational outdoor piggery’, Australian Pork Ltd Outdoor Piggery Fact Sheet Series, May 2012, Australian Pork Ltd, Canberra.
Tucker, RW 2012, ‘Land and water protection measures for rotational outdoor piggeries’, Australian Pork Ltd Outdoor Piggery Fact Sheet Series, May 2012, Australian Pork Ltd, Canberra.
Tucker, RW 2012, ‘Promoting more even distribution of manure nutrients in rotational outdoor piggeries’, Australian Pork Ltd Outdoor Piggery Fact Sheet Series, May 2012, Australian Pork Ltd, Canberra.
Tucker, RW 2012, ‘Soil monitoring for rotational outdoor piggeries’, Australian Pork Ltd Outdoor Piggery Fact Sheet Series, May 2012, Australian Pork Ltd, Canberra.
Tucker, RW & Kruger, IR 2002, Environmental Management Plans for Piggeries, Australian Pork Limited, Canberra.
Tucker, RW & Svensson, R 1992, ‘Feedlot waste management series no. 9 - disposal of carcasses’, In Feedlotting notes - a collection of farmnotes. Information Series Q191032, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane, pp. 67-69. (Also published as Farmnote BE9111003 F47/May91 Agdex 420/17).
Tucker, RW & Watts, PJ 1992, ‘Feedlot waste management series ‑ no. 4 ‑ design concepts to aid cleaning’, In Feedlotting notes ‑ a collection of farmnotes, Information series QI91032, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane, pp. 43-46.
Tucker, RW & Watts, PJ 1992, ‘Feedlot waste management series ‑ no. 5 ‑ mounding in yards’, In Feedlotting notes ‑ a collection of farmnotes, Information series QI91032, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane, pp. 47-48.
Tucker, RW & Watts, PJ 1992, ‘Feedlot waste management series ‑ no. 6 ‑ attention to detail’, In Feedlotting notes ‑ a collection of farmnotes, Information series QI91032, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane, pp. 49-52.
Tucker, RW & Watts, PJ 1992, ‘Feedlot waste management series ‑ no. 7 ‑ manure removal and stockpiling’, In Feedlotting notes ‑ a collection of farmnotes, Information series QI91032, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane, pp. 53-54.
Watts, PJ & Tucker, RW 1992, ‘Feedlot waste management series ‑ no. 2 ‑ the feedlot pad’, In Feedlotting notes ‑ a collection of farmnotes, Information series QI91032, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane, pp. 36-38.
Watts, PJ & Tucker, RW 1992, ‘Feedlot waste management series ‑ no. 3 ‑ pen cleaning (manure harvesting) ’, In Feedlotting notes ‑ a collection of farmnotes, Information series QI91032, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane, pp. 39-42.
Watts, PJ & Tucker, RW 1992, ‘Feedlot waste management series ‑ no. 2 ‑ the feedlot pad’, In Feedlotting notes ‑ a collection of farmnotes, Information series QI91032, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane, pp. 36-38.